Daniel Follette, Inc. Home
  Creating value by shaping employee and customer behavior 
© Daniel Follette, Inc. 2009
Performance Consulting
Create a smarter, safer, more efficient work force
> Work analysis and process improvement
> Skill development and compentency verification
> Training curriculum development, training managment tools
   and learning systems

> Procedures management and development
> Employee communications and campaigns for change
Marketing and Communications
Increase revenues by communicating a compelling value proposition
> Product/service identity and positioning
> Communications assessment and strategies
> Marketing collateral
> Executive communications and presentation support
Performance Improvement Tools
Identify, sustain and improve your essential enterprise abilities
      SkillForge™ performance management software and Repertoire™ work processes:
> Work analysis--task and skill definition, skill and
   competency repertoire definition and development

> Training curriculum development and training delivery
> Testing and skills verification
> Procedures development and management
> Safety program assessment and improvement planning
> Safety/vehicle incident tracking

tools - services
> Process

> Training
> Skills/competency

> Communications
> Increase marketing

case studies
> Selected cases

> White papers
> Managing

> Tools

> Representative